10 tips to adapt your content to Google Panda

We have always heard that the “content is king” but since mid-August to make his guest appearance Google Panda, significantly altering the positions of many top sites like HubPages, Squidoo, DaniWeb, etc. Many small publishers who are not focusing on quality content got affected by this algorithm whose main aim was to reduce the ranking of low-quality sites this hackneyed phrase has become our daily bread.

In this situation we ask how to create relevant content really makes our site does not wreck in the vast ocean of search results?

Note: If you actually want to strengthen your site then it will require lots of time and hard work.

Here I discovered the keys to creating a content marketing strategy effectively.

1. The first rule of thumb: Write for humans, not machines. Avoid enumerations, the repetition of keywords, and incomplete sentences. My advice is to ensure whether the text is properly prepared and it should easy to understand.

2. Forget the automatic translation of texts into other languages, it only duplicates and poverty of content for your blog.

3. 100% Authenticity rejects imitations. All that integrates your website content must be completely original, created specifically for your blog without spinning and slightly modified text.

4. Listen to your audience, find out what issues you care about, and extends further information about them, always appreciate that we pay attention and consider our suggestions.

5. Creativity to power. Boost your creative side, going beyond those topics of interest to your users, research, and develop useful content, it should relevant to those who visit your blog.

6. Analyzes the behavior of your users. Google Analytics lets you know what are the keywords for the traffic coming to your blog; study these search criteria will help you find useful information about the interests and behavior of your users. Take advantage of this valuable information to redirect your content strategy.

7. Update your blog at least once a week, either with new products, launching new products, posting videos … It is recommended to optimize your blog with SEO elements and post regular news.

8. Care for the presentation of your content, Be careful when presenting content. It should have correct wording, spelling, and expressions.

9. Includes information that is beneficial for your users. You can complete the content of your page with data that add value, as in the case of interviews, trend analysis, industry news, calendar of events, or seminars, in short, make your blog a reference site.

10. Take advantage of social networks, keep your profiles updated with relevant information, and integrate them into your blog, this will make your blog more dynamic.
So I hope you enjoy reading all my recommendations to adapt your content to google panda.

I am sure the above tips will give you positive thinking to make your blog more popular and successful.

Superb Tip: “Write original well-described content which individuals enjoy to link bait naturally like Wikipedia”

Now my question is what you do to recover from Mr. Google Panda?

This is a guest post by Amrik Virdi from MonetizeBlogging.com. If you would like to write for iTechCode, check our guest posting guidelines.

About Amit Shaw

Amit Shaw, Administrator of iTechCode.He is a 29 Year Ordinary Simple guy from West Bengal,India. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Technology, Gadgets, Programming etc. Connect with him on Facebook, Add him on LinkedIn and Follow him on Twitter.


  1. Awesome

  2. Wow ! Searching for a Information like this . Thanks for Sharing !

  3. Lavatube ECig says

    One thing to keep in mind is that Panda is primarily an initiative to help boost high-quality websites to the top of search engine rankings. If you write your website’s content for your ad placements rather than your readers, you’ve already lost the battle.

  4. Kuldeep @ Cool Tricks says

    Google panda has been a nightmare for most bloggers, though I really liked the great work of yours! I agree with all the points given above and also follow them to get rid of PANDA!

  5. Abhi Balani says

    Great tips regarding Google Panda. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Nice collection. This line “Write for humans, not machines.” impressed me more.

    great work.Keep it up:)

    Thumbs Up!!!

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