Adsterra Advertising Network | Solutions for Advertisers and Publishers

What is Adsterra Network?

Adsterra network was founded in 2013. The main objective of this advertising network was to change the face of adverting meant for social, web and mobile platforms. Adsterra is an adverting network which lets both advertisers and publishers publish their ads with them.

Adsterra Network is the best alternative for Google AdSense. Although new, since its founding Adsterra Network has made a good name and gained a good reputation in the market. It allows you to earn more and helps you get good ratings.

How Does It Work and For Whom?

Adsterra Network is a premium ad agency. It works well with the new requirements of the online market and lets their registered customers earn more profits. The main features of this network are that it allows both publishers and advertisers to publish their ads, they give personal managers to every customer and give real-time statistics.

The major plus point of this network is that this premium network provides many different ad formats. If you Become Adsterra Advertiser or a publisher can choose any kind of format according to your own requirements. Place the code on your website, and Adsterra will begin monetizing your website.

Also, the availability of many Ad formats makes it easy for you to choose the kind of Ads for your blog or website. Along with this Adsterra provides personal managers for each and every customer, be it an advertiser or a publisher. The main objective or purpose of doing this is that Adsterra believes that making a personal connection with their customers is important.

The personal managers track the ads and the money earned by your website. These professionals also compile the real-time stats, plus provide a specialized working or plan for your website and its audience. Another feature of Adsterra offered to those who Become Adsterra Publisher is that it retargets the ads posted on your website.

The statistics compiled will let the managers inspect and post ads which are relevant to the website or blog viewers. It records your visitors’ views and keeps a track of the things the visitors’ view. When they leave without buying anything, Asterra will keep flashing those ads which will attract those viewers and bring them back.

This is done by placing them on your website the code generated and provided to you by Adsterra. The rest will be done by the Adsetrra network. Along with this Adsterra also provides flexible and easy payments. It supports PayPal, Wire Transfer, Web Transfer, Payza, Paxum etc.

The money generated by your website through Adsterra will be transferred to you within two weeks. All the earnings will be transferred according to your payment mode. Also, there are various charges that are levied on different modes of transfer. Out of all of the modes, PayPal has the minimum charges, therefore it is recommended by many.

As for advertisers, Adsetrra lets the advertisers create their own campaign according to the advertiser’s requirements and comfort. For this the advertiser will have to register as an Adsterra Advertiser, then they can begin structuring their campaign.

After structuring, Adsterra lets the advertiser launch the campaign. Along with this Adsterra will allow the advertiser to manage their audience by providing all the statistics. The advertiser also gets free consultations with the ad network.

Adsterra will help you restructure your campaign within your budget. And if the advertiser wishes to contact a personal manager, the advertiser can pay the required amount to the Adsterra Network. When the payment is received by the network, it will activate your account and will allow you to talk to a personal manager who will not only restructure your ideas but also provide you with better ideas to expand your idea. This will let you earn more money through your advertisements.

Why Choose Adsterra Network?

Adsterra Network is a relatively new network in the advertising industry. Although new, it has generated a great reputation in a short time. Here are a few reasons why you should choose this network:

  • It works for both publishers and advertisers.
  • It gives you various formats for advertisements.
  • It gives your personal managers.

Adsterra Network is a new network that has been working since 2013. It planned on changing the face of advertising and has stood true to its objectives.

About Amit Shaw

Amit Shaw, Administrator of iTechCode.He is a 29 Year Ordinary Simple guy from West Bengal,India. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Technology, Gadgets, Programming etc. Connect with him on Facebook, Add him on LinkedIn and Follow him on Twitter.