6 Ignored SEO Tasks That Can Boost Your Rankings

Search ranking is an essential aspect of SEO regardless of the size of business you are dealing with. It is for this particular reason that business owners will do anything: both legal and illegal to get to the top. Well, illegal does not work anymore as Google has over the time changed the guidelines to ensure that honesty prevails and the most deserving brands get the crown.

A lot has been covered by SEO experts concerning how you can get your business to the rank top. Some of the tips you are given may sound cliché, but also most of them are forgotten. The following are tasks that you should not, by any means place it on the shelf if you want your site to rank top in SERPs.

  1. Disavowing

Backlinks are essential in link building and getting organic traffic to flow to your site: that is if they are used well. However, there is the bad backlink menace that may send your 5-years efforts crumbling to the ground. It is worth noting that there are specific backlinks that you should entirely avoid. For instance, ones linking to spammy sites. Google does a great job patrolling all your backlinks, and if found on the wrong side, your site could get penalized for being on the wrong side.

Disavowing helps you track down all the unhealthy backlinks and on top of that may impact your website negatively.

  1. Produce skyscraper content

If you are not creating skyscraper content, then you are missing out on the juice of SEO. What does creating skyscraper content entail? Well, it is all about finding content that is performing well in your industry and creating something even better. Yes, it does take some significant amount of effort and time, but the benefits will be worth your while.

To get started, what you are required to do is find your competitors on Google, then use your keywords to find related content. When that is done, you create better content by adding detail, get input from influencers and make it easy to absorb by adding images and Infographics.

  1. Create your keywords

Authenticity will always win. More so, in SEO and precisely creation f keywords. Picture it this way; if you are using a keyword that your other seven competitors are also using, it will be seven of you trying typo optimize that particular keyword.

However, if you have a keyword that is new and only tied to you, you will be the only one who gets the traction for it. And once it becomes popular, your site will have a lot to gain in the ranking.

  1. Optimize high-performing posts

To make the most out of internal linking, you need to maximize on the posts that are already doing well. How does it work? There are those posts in your site that do not get most clicks, at the same time, there are pages in your site that get the most visits, but clients will not go past the page.

The catch is creating links on high performing posts that will direct visitors to the posts that are not doing so well. This strategy will give you more clicks hence more top ranking. You can use analytics tools to identify the pots that are doing good and the ones that are not, then optimize on that.

  1. Use Infographics

Statistics show that 65% of the people are visual learners. What does that mean? Most people find education through images better and easier to recall. It is where Infographics come in. If you want your marketing efforts to be more fruitful, to find out what your audience needs and present your content using Infographics. Most marketers recommend and, are using this strategy. How do you create Infographics?

There are plenty of ways that you can do it. There is the option of hiring freelance graphic designers: you can source them from Upwork, Fiverr, and other freelance sites. Also, you can work with an agency if you have the means. If you have the skill or Photoshop and Canva, you can also do it yourself from your study or office.

That is not all though, once you have been able to create Infographics, you will have to promote it for it to get to your audience.

  1. Optimize your landing pages

Optimizing your landing page helps minimize bounce rates which also impact your ranking negatively. If people get to your page and immediately exit, Google will notice and force your site down the ladder. Optimizing your landing page is all about ensuring that the content that your visitors find on the first click is relevant. Before posting something on your page, you should be conversant with who you are posting for, your goal and what your audience wants.

If you include the six tasks in your SEO efforts, you will realize a tremendous improvement on the reports from https://serpbook.com

About Amit Shaw

Amit Shaw, Administrator of iTechCode.He is a 29 Year Ordinary Simple guy from West Bengal,India. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Technology, Gadgets, Programming etc. Connect with him on Facebook, Add him on LinkedIn and Follow him on Twitter.