Business Technology Predictions for 2019

While recent years have seen exciting and innovative tech advances, there’s no sign of progress slowing as technology moves on apace. In some instances, the story of 2019 will be the acceleration and development of existing trends around the likes of AI and the cloud.

The cloud – seen as an innovation just a few short years ago – is almost a maturing technology now. Many types of organizations from large multinationals to one person outfits store data virtually and use cloud based software to complete financial admin such as processing 1099 tax forms and more.

But this established tech will also see a development in 2019 in the form of hybrid clouds.

So, what’s on the horizon?

The virtual agent

No, not something from James Bond or a spy movie, but the development of AI chatbots into dedicated virtual agents for the organization they represent.

Basic chatbots that can handle general customer relations interactions have become established, but the next stage is virtual agents that are tailored to act as a bona fide ‘face’ for their company and engage with customers in a more ‘life like’ way.

Generalized ‘question and answer’ type interactions will give way to more developed conversations that look and feel much more natural.

‘Level playing field’ for AI development

While for some time only highly trained data scientists could develop AI solutions, it will soon be possible for a wider range of people to create AI based solutions. While a major benefit in one way, the possible downside to this is users bringing their own data to build AI models.

This could potentially lead to a loss of control that specialist developers currently bring to the table.

Hybrid clouds

The drawback of storing data in one public or private cloud is the ‘all eggs in one basket’ situation.

Hybrid clouds mix public cloud options with private infrastructures to provide a more reassuring backup and storage facility. If one goes down, the other is available.

Improved connectivity: 5G

Not just the next step from 4G, the advent of 5G is potentially a huge leap in terms of sheer connectivity speed.

5G will be potentially 1,000 times faster than 4G – and revolutionize tech such as AI controlled linked devices such as CCTV and security systems accessible by remote devices such as laptops and smartphones.

Faster connectivity will enhance the progress being made in areas such as ‘smart cities’ and driverless car tech.

Improved IoT (Internet of Things)

Using connectivity tech such as Wi-Fi, 4G and 5G discussed above, IoT will develop its scope. Devices can already connect and ‘talk’ to each other, but the way devices ‘collaborate’ with each other will grow.

For example, a drone could not only take photos of a field, it could determine that it requires harvesting or ploughing and send messages to mobilize the required machinery.

Robots and drones could work together to analyze areas too dangerous for humans such as, say, a power plant after an explosion or suspected radioactive leak.


The technology that underpins cryptocurrency is seen as having a role to play elsewhere especially in finance.

The fact that it doesn’t rely on centralized data storage is seen as a key benefit in helping financial transactions process faster thanks to its peer-to-peer model, and offers a more secure defense against cyber crime than centrally stored data.

Quantum computing

While modern computers from a desktop PC to laptops and smartphones are immensely powerful, quantum computing is something else again.

Because the computers themselves can complete calculations in a fraction of the time already lightning-fast supercomputers can, Quantum computing is set to revolutionize fields such as the scientific side of health care, cybersecurity and financial trading.

The tech revolution?

It seems each year there’s a tech revolution, but 2019 may be seen as more of a tech evolution in many ways with certain technologies expanding their scope.

About Amit Shaw

Amit Shaw, Administrator of iTechCode.He is a 29 Year Ordinary Simple guy from West Bengal,India. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Technology, Gadgets, Programming etc. Connect with him on Facebook, Add him on LinkedIn and Follow him on Twitter.