Social Skills – 4 Strategies To Get The Most Out Of Social Influencer Marketing

The new wave of marketing has proven that it’s here to stay and those that jumped on early are already celebrating at remote island resorts, watching their profit margins grow fatter and healthier by the day. If you hadn’t already guessed, we’re talking about social influencer marketing, otherwise known as affiliate marketing. Luckily, there’s still plenty of time to adopt the new system and employ the necessary strategies to ensure you get the most out of your partnerships. Read on to discover how:

Stand out

The first thing you want to work out is what you’re actually going to provide influencers with. Quality promotional products stand out far better than those that are generic or clearly cheap and tacky. They say any publicity is good publicity, but in this case, you definitely want to be known as the top of the pile, not the guys who send out their dregs to those representing the brand. This will earn you a reputation for excellence and create a nice income flow.

Making sure you provide influencers with diverse options will get you the best exposure; just remember not to splash your brand over every single thing. Your logo is sure to look cute on a coffee cup and might even work well on a graphic tee, but be open to sticking to what your influencers are comfortable with as this will help them personalize how they promote your brand. In turn, this makes their use of your products more organic, showing genuine investment on their part and provoking more interest from their followers.

Push good content

Just giving out your products to those with pull on social platforms won’t cut it anymore. Instead, you need to craft a skill that is often referred to as content marketing. This involves creating premium content, both autonomously, and with influencers, to attach to your social influence campaign and other marketing avenues. This shows that you can provide substance and genuinely engaging thought leadership; two things that are very important to today’s consumers.

Do this by creating articles and multimedia pieces about your industry, interesting trends, applicable social issues, and the like. Then start pushing your content across your social platforms and those of influencers you have aligned yourself with.

Have a theme

It doesn’t matter how diverse your brand is, you still want to have a cohesive theme for your marketing and promotional materials. This is no different when it comes to building influencer campaigns. While you can relax a little on social media and target things more to niche audiences within your wider audience, make sure all of your partnership and promotional choices align with the core values of your business.

Build quality relationships

Last but not least, it is important to build strong, lasting relationships with the influencers you choose to partner with. Not only does this prevent your competition from snapping them up when you’re done with them, but it will also make working with them a far more worthwhile venture as it takes an average of seven points of contact for a consumer to make a purchase. Plus, people are just far easier to work with when you share a genuine connection.

Influencers are here to stay, so working them into your marketing and promotional strategy is a strong choice for your brand. If you don’t, you risk falling behind and ending up as just another business lost in the digital wasteland of unsubscribed emails and unfollowed accounts. Do your research, know who you do and don’t want to work with, and go get those extra sales.

About Amit Shaw

Amit Shaw, Administrator of iTechCode.He is a 29 Year Ordinary Simple guy from West Bengal,India. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Technology, Gadgets, Programming etc. Connect with him on Facebook, Add him on LinkedIn and Follow him on Twitter.