Understanding Website Usability Fundamentals

Visitors expect to have a pleasant and efficient experience with every site they visit. For this reason, the user experience has become a programming discipline that puts users first. Similarly, search engines now use usability as a ranking factor.

To succeed online, businesses and other website owners must emphasize usability. In some cases, usability can give your site a competitive edge. In others, usability will only help you keep up. Regardless, you can increase the value of your site by including the following website usability fundamentals.


You never know when a customer wants to visit your site. For this reason, it should operate all day every day. If someone visits your website and it’s down, you can lose businesses and your reputation may suffer. Avoid these problems by choosing a hosting provider that offers a service level guarantee.

Remember that many, if not most, website users will arrive via a mobile device. Therefore, your site should use a responsive design that looks and functions well regardless of screen size. Similarly, mobile devices lack the processing capability of desktop computers, so your content should quickly load and become interactive within a few seconds.


Make sure that visitors can easily discern the purpose of your page. To do this, make sure your site stays focused on a single topic. When you market your website via PPC and SEO, choose keywords that have relevance to your content.

If you attempt to cover too many topics on your site, you risk confusing and frustrating your visitors. They shouldn’t have to sift through endless pages to find desirable information.


Simplicity can also play a role in relevance. When you avoid clutter and include noticeable navigation tools, you’ll increase your site’s usability and help your users quickly accomplish their intended purpose.

Make sure you choose a functional website design that users can quickly understand. In other words, you should provide a user-intuitive interface. If you decide to try a creative or innovative format, do everything possible to inform users on how to navigate your site.


Do people trust your website? Many people worry about scams, malware, and other online security threats. So, give people reasons to believe your site so they’ll feel comfortable. For instance, you can instantly boost your site’s credibility by adding an “About Us” page that tells your business’ story.

Shoppers tend to believe other customers more than branded marketing messages, so increase the trustworthiness of your site by publishing testimonials and reviews that other people have posted online about your business.


Engaged website visitors can convert into leads and customers more frequently than passive sites. So, consider adding live chat or an interactive chatbot to make your users feel welcome. Such tools can also help users quickly find answers to their questions. Additionally, consider adding a short survey to your site so you can collect and respond to user feedback.

In conclusion, a useful website can make your customers will feel satisfied with your business and brand. By implementing the above fundamentals, you can make your activities more accessible, relevant, trustworthy, and productive for every user.

About Amit Shaw

Amit Shaw, Administrator of iTechCode.He is a 29 Year Ordinary Simple guy from West Bengal,India. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Technology, Gadgets, Programming etc. Connect with him on Facebook, Add him on LinkedIn and Follow him on Twitter.