Ways to Stop Procrastination and Begin Studying

You have an assignment, and you decide to check out the custom thesis writing service for all the useful tips, but just as you begin, a friend invites you to a party, and you decide to go promising yourself to do the work later on. Well, procrastination is something common one that everyone has faced at one point in their academic life.

Procrastination, however, is negative in all respects and can adversely affect a student by ensuring poor performance and increased stress levels. The consequences can then snowball rapidly into low confidence that can prove extremely difficult to break from. It, therefore, becomes imperative to overcome the problem of procrastination, be it one that either affects you or your kids when it comes to studying for exams or doing assignments. So how can you go about putting a stop to all the procrastination?

Avoiding Procrastination

The best remedy to any problem is avoidance, and this applies to procrastination as well. You can assist yourself or your child by first understanding why individuals procrastinate. It always goes beyond the surface, which might present as laziness or misplaced priorities.

Ways of Stopping the Habit of Procrastination With Schoolwork

  • Start small. You need to avoid tackling everything at a go and instead make a breakdown of the project you must complete into smaller objectives. If you have kids and they have large tasks, you can assist them in breaking the tasks down into manageable smaller pieces that they can tackle individually. Such a move will relieve the kids of the strain and feelings of getting overwhelmed and enable then to begin with their homework or studies.
  • Set goals. Knowing how and why one needs to embark on an assignment helps one to get started. It is, therefore, imperative for you or your kids to set goals with timelines to create a clear pathway in finishing the project.
  • Don’t overthink the assignment or study. It would help if you reduced your anxiety and stress about the project you have at hand, and this includes your kids as well where applicable. Stress compounds the daunting perceptions of a project and can make it extremely difficult for you or your child to get started. Encourage your kid to share every concern they might have pertaining their project through writing and talk to them on ways of overcoming their concerns.
  • Get rid of distractions. You must ensure your or your kid’s workspace is free from distractions. It is possible to accomplish this through the creation of a distinct space at home for schoolwork devoid of cell phones, clutter, TV, or other sources of distractions. Such a move can help you or your kid maintain focus when studying or doing assignments at home.
  • Make a schedule and stick to It. In as much as it can prove difficult for your kids, you can help them by ensuring they make a schedule of everything which includes the deadlines for submission. In scheduling their work, they will meet the deadlines sets for the assignments and ensure they remain on track.
  • Take adequate and timely study breaks. You need to ensure that you get appropriate study breaks to avoid turning the breaks into a procrastination tool. It is imperative to keep at bay things like phones, which can distract you further during the break. Ensure a study-break of five to ten minutes and do something constructive like a walk before resuming the task at hand.
  • Ensure to stick with a single task each time. You need to make sure that you or your kids stick to a single job whenever handling your homework or study. Starting and finishing a task before moving onto another helps in reducing the overwhelming feeling that comes with the workload.
  • You also need to adjust your expectation and avoid anticipating perfection. Most individuals procrastinate because of their need to become perfect. You need to understand and make your kids know that it is okay to make mistakes, but with practice and time, you get better.
  • Boost motivation. Avoid the negative energy that comes with complaining, especially concerning a task, and instead, create milestones motivators for each job completed.


It is straightforward to find yourself procrastinating, and developing safeguards can make you productive in your academic and study life.

About Amit Shaw

Amit Shaw, Administrator of iTechCode.He is a 29 Year Ordinary Simple guy from West Bengal,India. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Technology, Gadgets, Programming etc. Connect with him on Facebook, Add him on LinkedIn and Follow him on Twitter.

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