7 Things To Do To Get Back In Shape

Have you gained weight recently? Starting to see some love-handles? If you’re looking to get back in shape, then you should probably read on. We’ll give you proven and tested tips to get you back in tip-top shape. We’re not just going to spout confusing and random facts. If you follow these tips religiously, you’ll scrape off those unwanted fats faster than you can imagine.

1.) Decide

To be honest, getting back in shape is not an easy task. Especially if you haven’t hit the gym or haven’t been eating right for quite a while. That’s why deciding to get back in shape is the first thing you have to do.

You have to commit yourself to get back in shape no matter what. Otherwise, if your level of dedication and discipline isn’t deep enough, you’ll just end up quitting midway through your journey. It takes guts to start to get in better shape because you’ll definitely face challenges along the way.

2.) Set Goals

So you found the courage to finally commit to losing weight. That’s awesome! Now it’s time to start your fitness journey. Remember, a decision without planning and action is just wishful thinking. You need to set short-term and long-term goals to guide you and motivate you through the process.

If you have just come back from a fitness hiatus, we recommend taking baby steps and build up as you improve. Create daily, weekly, and monthly goals such as how much exercise are you going to put in, how much weight should you lose, what food to eat, and so on.

3.) Create A Meal Plan

Did you know that generally, 75% of weight loss consists of diet, and only 25% is exercising? Actually, minding what you eat has more impact on your body goals. With this in mind, planning your meals is a crucial step to getting you back in shape.

In creating a meal plan, try to balance your meals between proteins, carbs, and fat. Try to lessen your carb intake, though, as they are linked to weight gain. Some people like to cook their meals for the week to avoid being tempted by junk foods.

4.) Start Exercising

It doesn’t mean that if exercising is only 25% of losing weight that you should neglect it entirely. Being active is also important in getting back in shape. Not only does it improve your cardio and blood circulation, but it also tones your body, making you look good too.

If you have the time, enroll in a nearby gym. It sounds basic, but it helps in your commitment to fitness. You can also find like-minded people with the same goals as you. If you’re too busy to go to the gym, exercising 30 minutes a day at home is good enough. There are also tons of fitness apps you can use to aid you in your workouts.

5.) Track your Progress

Keeping track of your progress can significantly boost your morale, especially if you’re sticking to your routines. Seeing positive changes in your body will make you more motivated to work hard and eat healthily.

To help you monitor, try to download fitness apps in your device such as meal planners, and workout apps. These will help you to keep your diet and active lifestyle in check. You may also want to download apps that track your water intake and sleeping times.

6.) Break Bad Habits

Don’t give in to the “Old habits die hard” trick. Breaking bad habits are indeed hard to break, but if you’re determined to get back in shape, you must decide to stop them. The best way to break habits is to stop them slowly. If you eat three bags of chips a day, try eating two bags a day, then one bag a day, until you train your body to stop eating chips entirely.

Another way is to create good habits. Studies show that maintaining a particular activity for 21 days creates a habit. If you manage to work out and eat healthy consistently, they’ll eventually become great habits that will also be hard to break.

7.) Hire A Coach

If the above tips are too challenging for you to do alone, consider hiring a personal coach. Their job is to keep your health and body in check. Since you are paying them, you’ll have no choice but to follow their instructions and meal plans. It’s kind of awkward, but if that’s what it takes for you to get back in shape, then why not?


To top it all off, consistency is the key to achieving your weight loss goals truly. Consistently working out, eating right, and sleeping right. Following these tips and doing them always will 100% get you back in shape in no time.

About Amit Shaw

Amit Shaw, Administrator of iTechCode.He is a 29 Year Ordinary Simple guy from West Bengal,India. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Technology, Gadgets, Programming etc. Connect with him on Facebook, Add him on LinkedIn and Follow him on Twitter.