6 Factors that Make Up a Successful Software Development

There are many factors that make up the success of a software project development but special attention must be given to the ones below. They are a crucial and a must-have if you want your project to be successful.

  1. Process

Any software project whether for web, mobile, or otherwise is lost without an ample process to see through a project until after the end. In IT that process is the Agile process; this process prioritises features, leaves room for change, offers the most transparency, and works to a fixed price.

And just as importantly, each member of the team must know their role inside and out, and how to effectively speak up and contribute to the team. Leading custom software development companies like Corporate Interactive know this and employ the Agile method in most of their projects.

  1. Collaboration

Key stakeholders on both sides of the table need to have open communication along the way, as a more iterative approach to software development calls for approvals to be given along the way.

Short meetings or online collaboration tools are a must for fast-paced technology projects. Some noteworthy online collaboration tools include Slack, Basecamp, and Trello.

  1. Remembering Why You’re Doing This in the First Place

Keeping a keen eye on the prize (measurable business value) and knocking business requirements of a to-do list and then consistently re-evaluating their effectiveness is exactly how you should be rolling.

If business value is your compass in all decision-making, it will make a lot of day-to-day decisions easier.

  1. Experience

When it comes to creating software, experience with the process is everything. A project manager who has experience with the Agile process is able to keep a close watch on each of the factors critical to the success of the project, and provide leadership where needed.

It’s often not just those working on the project that need to understand it –even C-level stakeholders involved in a project should understand how all of the moving parts come together, if only at a high level.

Experience of those within a development company is crucial to keeping everyone in the know, especially those who are accustomed to working with the Waterfall method (and still do within other related departments).

Enough experience with anything is the key difference between knowledge and wisdom, and the only way anyone can acquire that is by going through the process with people who have done it before.

  1. Transparency

As a result of the Waterfall method having such a high level of importance tagged to it, Agile was designed from the ground up for transparency to assure new adopters along the way.

With plain English terminology (or annoying acronyms!), iterative release schedules, burndown charts, cumulative flow diagrams, and regular hands-on access to releases over time, clients get the transparency they need when using a process they may not be too familiar with. Sylvania Lighting is working with Corporate Interactive and they get to enjoy the transparency offered by the Agile method of software development.

  1. Product Release Quality

And of course there’s product quality. Each release needs to be tested and all bugs recorded and added back into the development queue. It is completely essential that quality assurance never fall by the wayside on any technical project.

Hidden complexities and unique challenges are usually unearthed during quality assurance of each release on a release schedule –and thus this repeated exercise is of paramount importance.

In Conclusion

At the end of the day, software development success weighs quite heavily on clear communication –and a vehicle to make it so.

Transparency does more than calm nerves; it allows everyone to overcome common challenges quickly and ensures a smooth product delivery. Have any additional thoughts on what makes a successful software project? Please let us know in the comments.

About Amit Shaw

Amit Shaw, Administrator of iTechCode.He is a 29 Year Ordinary Simple guy from West Bengal,India. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Technology, Gadgets, Programming etc. Connect with him on Facebook, Add him on LinkedIn and Follow him on Twitter.