The Most Common Washing Machine Problems

When we were young, we saw a maid coming home every day to do the dishes, clean the house, and wash our clothes. As the world moves more towards self-sufficiency and independence, we, the now grown-ups tend to do all these tasks ourselves. Well, for the most part. We have dishwashers to wash dishes, vacuum cleaners to clean the house, and washing machines to do our laundry.

What do all these three have in common? They are all machines. And what do all machines have in common? They are not devoid of problems. Many of us who have moved into a rented apartment also have washing machines on rent or you get a fridge on rent. Rented machines do not always come with instruction manuals. So, here are the most common washing machine problems and possible solutions:

1. Starting problem


There are a number of reasons why the washing machine won’t start. The most common are that you didn’t close the door completely or you have not entered the selection of wash. Other reasons include the plug/socket/wire is damaged, or you simply forgot to plug it in/switch it on.


The solution here is simple – start with turning on the machine and selecting your wash cycle right away so you don’t forget. Close the lid properly, most machines make a “click” sound when it closed properly. Do not let any water touch the wire or enter the sockets.

2. Draining problem


Most washing machines come with a washer and a dryer. You put the clothes in the washer which washes it, then you have to drain the water before placing the clothes in the dryer. Being unable to drain the water out of the washer is one of the most common issues. This can occur if the pump or the drain hose is clogged with some form of residual gunk, debris, or even our own clothing. If the washer is making a noise or starts to leak, it means the drain pump is broken.


To unclog the pump or hose, first turn off the machine. The pump is usually located at the back of the machine, so check if it is bent. If it is not, then most likely there is something stuck inside it. So, you will have to remove the hose/pump to unclog it. If it is attached to the machine, then you will have to remove it with a few screws. Use water to unclog it. If that doesn’t work, then use any long object like a stick or a plumbing snake. Attach it back to see it if it works.

3. Too much foam after the water has been drained


If you notice too many bubbles or foam residue after the water has been drained, it simply means you have added too much detergent. This can happen frequently because we may change our washing load or because it is difficult to measure the amount of detergent to use.


Check the detergent drawer to get an idea of how much detergent you should add to each cycle. Consider trial and error method here. However, if you have an IFB washing machine, then you won’t face this problem because they have built-in foam control systems.

4.Colours from the clothes have faded after wash


Colours fading from clothes or even bleeding into our other clothes is a recurring issue for many of us. Simply separating the whites from other clothes will not solve this issue.


The first thing to do is to always check the label on clothes to see which wash cycle they are suited for. Second, turn your clothes inside out before putting them into the machine. Lastly, wash your clothes in cold water instead of warm water. This is because fading and bleeding of colors mainly occur in warm water which breaks down fibers. To stop fading, you could also consider adding a fabric conditioner or vinegar.

Keep these solutions in mind for the next time your washing machine is giving you trouble, or you have a washing machine on rent and the instructions manual is missing.

About Amit Shaw

Amit Shaw, Administrator of iTechCode.He is a 29 Year Ordinary Simple guy from West Bengal,India. He writes about Blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing, Technology, Gadgets, Programming etc. Connect with him on Facebook, Add him on LinkedIn and Follow him on Twitter.