7 Effective Ways to use Explainer Videos for Getting Maximum ROI

There are no two opinions that companies are making the best use of explainer videos not just to attract visitors, but also to explain the complex products/services easily. Well! If you are reading this article, you might be familiar with the importance of having an explainer video in your marketing strategy. According to the statistics, […]

The Top Three Facebook Ad Analytics That Influence Ecommerce ROI

Facebook provides ecommerce marketers with an incredible set of tools to measure the success of their ads, but this can be overwhelming to new users. If you decide to strike out on your own, it’s important to understand what each metric means and how you can use it to improve your return on investment for […]

How Global Brands Can Improve ROI from Ad Localization

I bet that you appreciate an email starting with your first name more than an email beginning with a generic “Hi there.” And an email informing that you forgot to buy the products added into your cart might impress you. Brands impress customers with tailored messages. They show consideration for the customers’ needs. Of course, […]