How to Increase your Blog’s Subscribers | A Sureshot Guide

How to increase my blog’s subscribes?

I’m sure this is one of the most intricate questions that you face as a blogger. And if you still don’t wonder how to increase your blog’s subscribers, you are yet know its vitality. Read on.

Most of the time, bloggers get bogged down in generating augmented traffic. But most fail to check if the previous visitors are coming back. Traffic is good and returning traffic is not just good, but awesome! While generating more traffic is taken care of by social media promotions and other such tactics, what about generating returning traffic? And why on earth are they so important?


Well, the answer is simple. People who return to your blog are genuinely interested in you and your work. In other words they make the ‘loyal traffic’.

How do we attract loyal traffic?

By writing content high in quality and quantity?

Yes of course, but that is not it. Content is everywhere. Which content would the readers choose?

The answer is –

  • The one that is presented to him. (Presence)
  • The one that is easily accessible to him. (Accessibility)
  • The one that is from a regular and trustworthy source. (Regularity)

All of this happens when they are made to subscribe to you blog.

Now let’s get into the readers boots.

If your blog’s content is appearing to him on a regular basis, he is likely to click and read atleast 7/10 times. Presence is taken care of.

He need not even type the blog’s URL. It is just a click away, right in his RSS reader or email inbox. Accessibility is taken care of.

Being a regular reader, he is more likely to comment and discuss on your posts. Thus, making him a follower of his comments and eventually your posts and blog too. Regularity is taken care of.

What more? As a bonus, he could as well be a free promoter when he shares your content with others. Thus, sharing your burden of blog promoting.

This is precisely why you find bloggers pining for more and more subscribers. Now that you got a gist of the importance of having subscribers, lets get into – Increase your Blog’s Subscribers?

I have put together five ways to get more subscribers. Check them below.

1. Make the form explicit:


Ensure that the subscription form is not just present but visibly present. Avoid using lingo in the subscription from. Keep it simple and captivating. But watch out; do not mistake attractiveness to funkiness while selecting or designing your subscription form.

 2. Allure your potential subscribers:

Offer something in compensation for subscribing. Be it any kind of freebie. Giving away stuff is not all. Giving away stuff that is of value to the reader is the key. Some options you may explore are e-books, full length how-to videos or apps and software. Incentives can surly help you increase your blog’s subscribers.

Don’t Miss : How to Convince Subscribers not to Unsubscribe from your Mailing List

3. Interact:

Yes you need to talk and let people know that you are fully involved in what you are doing. Commenting and quickly replying to readers requests, suggestions, mails or any kind of concerns matter. Also consider commenting on your counterpart’s blogs and posts. Get in touch through your Facebook page. Be amiable and give your readers something interactive and human, not just passive content. Remark that readers subscribe to people and their expertise but not words and sentences.

4. Loiter around:

Make people find you everywhere. Don’t just confine yourself and your business to one platform. Get people find you and your content in various social sites as well. Place your subscription links those sites too. Build a Youtube channel for your site, a Facebook page, a Facebook group in your niche, place your post links in your Delicious public bookmarks, and so on. More you appear to people, more are the chances that they wish to subscribe to you.

5. Guest posting :


Get involved in the cycle of guest posting. Not all visitors connect to you and your style of writing. Your blog must be a medley to cater to various needs and various moods of the readers. By allowing guest posting, you provide variety to your readers. Stereotyped content increases the danger of your readers unsubscribing. You definitely can’t let that happen. While this is the advantage of having guests post for your blog, there are equally good perks if you post for others as guest. It projects you are a pro, to those readers who follow a bunch of blogs in the same niche.

Don’t MissGuest Blogging Tips – Guest Posting A to Z

These are some sure-shot answers to the question how to increase blog subscribers?

Let me know if you found success trying one for more of these ways. Also share your own tips on – how to increase blog’s subscribers. Would gladly try them. If you haven’t subscribed to our email list, then click here to subscribe.

About Amar Ilindra

Amar Ilindra, Part-Time blogger from India currently doing his Engineering and blogs frequently at Geek Dashboard and writes about best Android tablets under $200.


  1. Hello Amar,

    You have some great tips here – some I’m already implementing, like regular posting and social interaction, but I know I need to work harder at some other areas.

    My ‘freebie’ is currently in production, so your advice about placement of the opt in form etc. is very helpful and timely.

    Guest posting is one of my longer term goals – I just don’t feel ready for that yet, partly due to time constraints, but it’s certainly something I aim to explore in future.

    Many thanks for all your advice,


  2. Mukesh Dutta says

    I liked the third point where you explained how interactions can help in generating more subscribers. This proves how powerful Communication is for any aspect of any business! Nice post!

  3. rakesh kumar says

    Guest Post and exclusive call of action is – i think is the most attractive points in this article. Thanks dear for sharing this wonderful article.

  4. Jayme Soulati says

    Love it. Excellent tips and I have only just this week launched my “subscribe” button. I have had no prior interest in building a subscription base; and that has all changed. Thanks.

  5. Attracting Subscribers with Good presentation and alluring them with free stuff is the best way according to me. Most of the Bloggers seems to be practicing alluring with free stuff such as e-book regarding the blog niche.

  6. Theodore Nwangene says

    Great post as always Amit,
    And i can’t agree more, Getting people to visit and read your posts is one thing and getting them to revisit is another different thing.

    I believe its all about trust because once they trust you, they will become your fan for life unless you bridge the contract of course.

    One method i really like among the list is guest posting, i haven’t been very serious with it at present but i will be giving it more time.

    Thanks for sharing.

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