Archives for March 2019

Everything You Need to know about Kicksta | Review

Instagram is positively the best social media platform for sharing photos, editing them with amazing filters and finally sharing them with your Instagram followers. Now once or twice you might have wondered how to get Instagram followers who are real and following you depending on the relevance of interest he/she finds in your posts. Like every […]

Why you need Cross Browser Testing and LambdaTest

One of the most frequent problems with those who develop web portals and applications is the task of checking that what you are developing is displayed correctly in all browsers (or at least in the main ones). The truth is that each browser interprets the standards in one way and that ends up causing, what […]

Why the catering industry needs a POS system

You may have run a successful café with a notepad for years. Or maybe you have an old-fashioned cash register in use in your restaurant. No? Neither? Then only one option remains: you use a POS cash register system. Every catering business is different, but if you want to continue to grow, it is necessary […]

How user-interface design of your POS system can stand in the way of your productivity

There is nothing more stressful for a shop assistant than a row of customers who are impatiently waiting to be served. Smooth operation of your POS system is therefore crucial. There are many different factors that influence this and all of them have an impact on your productivity in one way or another. A POS […]

5 Costly SEO Mistakes To Avoid While Marketing Your Site

Search Engine Optimization has undergone massive improvement in the last few years. Ranging from mobile updates for rewarding websites to strengthening the main algorithm’s technology via brand new machine learning technology, rhetoric strides have been made by SEO specialists. This is also making it difficult for an average entrepreneur to stay in the loop of […]

The Importance Of Location When Choosing Your Virtual Office

The adage often heard in real estate related to location being of import is still relevant today. Unfortunately, for many businesses in London, the cost to lease even space in a not so glamorous part of town is expensive. Anything close to the business district or the older, more established West End is going to […]

How To Gratify Distinctive Customers In E-commerce?

The entrepreneurial atmosphere has shown a marvelous speed from the past few decades, so in this agile development of the internet, e-commerce also holds a big hand in the progress. The hidden key to reaching business success lies in apparently knowing your customers. As e-commerce is more in enhancement, online shoppers also getting increased day-by-day. […]